The B34S ProSeries Econometric System is a full-featured data analysis software that is available for personal computers and unix workstations. It provides comprehensive capabilities that encompass a variety of cross-sectional and time series modeling methods. Advanced users will also appreciate the ability to customize user-defined procedures and routines through the generalized matrix programming environment capabilities and the flexible program control language provided in the ProSeries Econometric System.
B34S has two-way links with SCA, SAS, SPEAKEASY, and RATS and can make data loading command files for EXCEL, MATLAB, MINITAB, SHAZAM, LIMDEP and many more systems. B34S contains a user-extendable help facility. B34S menus under the Display Manager on the PC are developed using the B34S MAKEMENU command. This facility makes them user-extendable, since they are just B34S programs. Libraries of templates are supplied for most tasks. On the PC, B34S contains a data viewer, an output and log viewer, and an editor.
B34S versions run on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7, Vista, and XP operating system. The Windows versions have a graphical front end (Display Manager) and high-resolution graphic capability that includes line plots, 2D and 3D histograms, bar plots, contour plots and 3D surface plots. The user has the choice of either supplying the 3D surface in the form of a matrix or letting B34S determine the surface from three vectors. This latter capability allows the user to visualize the data in a 3D world before deciding on an estimation strategy.
REGRESSION | OLS and GLS estimation. BLUS and RA analysis. |
REG | Regression analysis for panel data and time series data. |
LIST | Display data in B34S data file. |
PLOT | Plot and graph series in B34S data file. |
PROBIT | Probit analysis on (0-1) dependent variables. |
TOBIT | Tobit analysis on truncated dependent variables. |
LOGLIN | Logit analysis on up to four equations at once. |
ECOMP | Error-components analysis. |
AUTOC | Autocorrelation and cross correlation analysis. |
RR | Recursive-residual analysis. |
QR | QR factorization & principal component analysis. |
DATA | Load data into B34S . |
MPROBIT | Multinomial probit analysis. |
MLOGLIN | Multinomial logit analysis. |
SIMEQ | 2SLS, LIML, 3SLS, I3SLS, FIML, SUR estimation. |
TRANSPROB | Estimate Markov probability model. |
BTIDEN | Identification of VAR models. |
BTEST | Estimation of VAR models. |
NONLIN | Estimation of user-specified nonlinear models. |
MATRIX | Matrix programming and development environment. |
TOOLKIT | Matrix environment toolkit routines. |
VARFREQ | Spectral decomposition of VAR models. |
POLYSOLV | Solution of polynomials. |
DTASSM | Data-manipulation utilities. |
OPTCONTROL | Optimal control analysis. |
CALL | Call user procedure. |
KFILTER | Estimate state-space model. |
SOURCE | B34S FORTRAN source manager. |
SCAINPUT | B34S/SCA input option. |
SCAIO | Read/Write SCA data macros |
FORECAST | Automatic VAR forecasting model development. |
PISPLINE | PI method of fitting an underlying smooth function. |
GENMOD | Generate data sets with given covariance structure. |
HRGRAPHICS | High resolution graphics. |
SORT | Sort data. |
SPECTRAL | Spectral analysis. |
MAKEMENU | User menu facility. |
DMF | Data management facility. |
MVNLTEST | Multivariate tests for nonlinearity. |
CITIBASE | Load Citibase data into B34S using RATS. |
READVBYV | Read data variable by variable. |
TRANSPOS | Transpose data matrix. |
DESCRIBE | Describe series loaded. |
ROBUST | Robust estimation. |
FREQ | Frequency plots and cross tabulation. |
LPMAX | Linear programming. |
EXPAND | Weight dataset. |
SASB34SW | Running B34S under Windows SAS on PC |
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