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Chapter 2. Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models
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Chapter 3. Seasonal ARIMA Models
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Liu, L.-M. and Hudak, G.B. (1992). Forecasting and Time Series Analysis Using the SCA Statistical System: Volume 1. Chicago: Scientific Computing Associates Corp.
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Chapter 4. ARIMA Modeling Using Expert Systems
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Chapter 5. Transfer Function Models
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Chapter 6. Analysis of Time Series with Calendar Effects
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Chapter 7. Intervention Analysis and Outlier Detection
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Chapter 8. Forecasting Using Exponential Smoothing Methods
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Chapter 9. Time Series Data Mining
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Dransfield, S.B., Fisher, N.I., and Vogel, N.J. (1999). "Using Statistics and Statistical Thinking to Improve Organisational Performance". International Statistical Review 67: 99-150 (with Discussion and Response).
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Chapter 11. Time Series Models with Heteroscedasticity
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